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2021 global smart grid sensor market nearly 288 billion

Uptime: 2014-08-28 15:12:56  Click: 1446

According to the regional market smart grid sensors, North America accounted for 30% of the global market, reaching $ 7.9 billion (about 48.6 billion yuan); followed by Europe $ 6.6 billion (about 40.6 billion yuan), accounting for 25%; China 52 billion (about 32 billion yuan), accounting for 20%; Japan $ 2.6 billion (about 16 billion yuan), accounting for 10%, however, 2014--2021 years, smart grid technology Chinese market include sensor with the fastest. penetration, to 2021, China market reached 10.8 billion US dollars (about 66.45 billion yuan) will overtake Europe, accounting for the second largest share of the global. Until 2021, the United States is still the first, amounting to $ 131 (about 80.6 billion yuan); Chinese second; third in Europe, amounting to 10.1 billion US dollars (about 62.14 billion yuan); Japan's fourth, reaching 4.4 billion US dollars (about 27.07 billion yuan).


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